Autumn Update

May 19, 2020


Well once again too long has passed since my last post, or perhaps it is because time flies. 

Anyway, I do have a lot to report.

Firstly, in extraordinary times I hope you are safe and well wherever you are in the world. Down here in NZ we have been very fortunate so far - touch wood. 

I am yet to meet someone who knows someone, who knows someone who has had COVID-19, I really hope it stays like this. Our hearts go out to those less fortunate.

So, we were locked down here for four weeks. This didn’t change too much for an artist although plein air painting was ruled out as were my weekly art classes. 

The result was a very productive few weeks of painting, producing a large Milford Sound commission, the completion of a large Mount Maunganui piece as well as some smaller works. 

But, maybe the most exciting was the delving into video production. 

Operating on a shoestring budget but with lots of ideas and passion my YouTube channel was born. The videos are about sharing the knowledge and tips that I've personally seen help people here in my weekday classes. 

When I had the idea of making videos I thought it would be nice to share a “Top Tip” in each video. So I started writing down the stand out advise that I've experienced helps people  - well, I quickly came up with over twenty tips. 

So, right now while I learn to shoot and edit video the motto is; 'content is king', cinematic productions are a wee way away.

I have an exciting idea for recording the paintings created on location (en plein air). I think this could also make a more interesting video, combined with a few top tips!

Now, if you have been to this website in the past I'm sure you will have noticed the spiffing upgrade to My beautiful wife Isabel spent much of her lockdown creating the website we are on now. 

Long overdue, the site now has good information on the workshops and classes, plus dates and prices. 

As well as links to these videos I have just spoken of and updated available works.

Looking ahead, well, I'm excited about getting out and about in NZ, doing some tourism, going on some hikes and painting some plein air in a novel New Zealand environment without the overseas guests. It is surely one silver lining, while sad and not ideal it will be definitely be a novelty to have this landscape to ourselves.

If you are interested in classes or workshops, follow this link

I have also come right out and said I would love to take plein air tours, this will take some logistical organising and organising full stop. But saying it will force me to make it happen. You will now hear more about this. 




Inspiration South Island


Plein Air Paintings